You drive me crazy

I’m not a big fan of winter. I recently told my mother, who chose to settle in Canada from South Africa, “It’s your fault!” I don’t know why, out of all the countries in the world, she chose a cold one. She must have arrived in the middle of summer and thought that it seemed just right. I realize this is not a weighty topic, but there is something that bothers me every year. Even though we’ve only received a small dusting of snow, and it’s supposed to be 17 degrees Celsius next Monday, I’ve already started to think about it, and I have to get it off my chest. Why do people shovel their snow onto the road? I saw somebody raking leaves onto the road yesterday. It’s like they’re thinking, “I know, let’s put these leaves where cars drive.” The same thing happens every snowfall. Somebody decides that the driveway is a bad place for snow, their car needing it and all. So they push the snow into the middle of the road where the rest of us are driving. I am pleading with you, if this is your practice, to see the error of your ways and never do it again. I feel so much better having got this off my chest that I won’t even get started on clerks who ask me for proof of my identity when using my credit card to buy the lamest things. Is there a big problem with people stealing credit cards to buy $6 worth of scalloped potatoes and Diet Coke? I hope if a thief ever steals my credit card they have a little more imagination than that. But I’ve ranted enough for today I think.