More Ready Than You Realize (John 14:12-18)

Big Idea: We can live and serve as powerfully as Jesus did, with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Purpose: To be assured of Jesus’ promise to help us by sending the Holy Spirit.
I just turned down a golf invitation to save myself embarrassment. What if someone promised me that I would golf better than Tiger Woods?
Jesus made this type of promise: that his followers would live and serve as powerfully as he did.
1. Jesus’ followers can serve as powerfully as Jesus did (12-14)
a. We will do even greater works than Jesus did – What does this mean? Not greater miracles but greater impact
b. Our prayers will be answered
Our lives will be a continuation of Jesus’ life in the world. Every disciple will be able to participate in this work.
I tell you the truth: Among those born of women there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist; yet he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. (Matthew 11:11)
Do we buy this? Why isn’t it our experience? First, we need to understand how this will happen.
2. God makes this possible through the Holy Spirit (15-17)
a. Jesus will give us the Spirit (15-18) – A gift that is an outgrowth of our relationship; Fulfilled at the Day of Pentecost
b. The Spirit will be our helper – Meaning: Someone who lends assistance, strength and energy; who comes along to meet special needs; an advocate (someone to remind God of our plight) – Translators in Africa – a group of porters carrying bundles on their heads; in the line of porters there was one who didn’t carry anything; wasn’t boss. Was there in case someone fell over in exhaustion; he would come and pick up the man’s load and carry it; in their language, “the one who falls down beside us”
c. The Spirit will dwell with us and in us – the same Spirit who anointed and empowered Jesus at his baptism; “returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee” (Luke 4:14); “the Spirit of the Lord is upon me”
This promise began to be fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost.
Prayer in Jesus’ name: getting to know who Jesus is; finding ourselves drawn into his life and love and sense of purpose; we will see what needs to be done, what we should be aiming at within our sphere of influence; what resources we need to do it
Applications: Tiger. What golf games are we avoiding? What greater works are we sensing we should be doing? Tap into the divine resources.
Missional Confession
We believe that we are the church, that is, we are a community of God’s people called and set apart to be a witness to the good news of Jesus Christ. We are blessed to be a blessing.
Just as the Father has sent his Son into the world for the sake of the world, Jesus has sent his Church into the world for the sake of the world.
We believe that the Holy Spirit not only calls us but enables us for that mission.