Simeon Trust Preaching Workshop

Last week, Richview had the privilege of hosting a Simeon Trust preaching workshop. Some 35 pastors gathered from Wednesday to Friday for “spring training,” as David Helm put it. Spring training is where veterans on the verge of entering the Baseball Hall of Fame, as well as rookies trying out for the team, come to relearn the basics.
Ian Clary reflects on the workshop:
I know that I often speak in exaggeration, but I can honestly say that this was one of the best conferences I’ve ever attended. Practical, soul searching, biblical, affective, encouraging. I was very blessed to have been there and I learned a lot.
The conference theme this year was “preaching Luke.” The speakers were David Helm from Chicago and David Short from Vancouver. Both men are solidly Reformed, rooted in the biblical theology school of Graeme Goldsworthy, Peter Jensen, D. A. Carson and Paul Barnett. Connected with Proclamation Trust in Britain, these guys rub shoulders with the likes of R. Kent Hughes, Dick Lucas and J.I. Packer (Short is Packer’s pastor!).
…As time went on, it was exciting to see the “aha” principle take effect. The guys were getting it and getting into it!
I highly, highly recommend that if a Simeon Trust workshop comes within a five hour radius of you that you attend one. You will not be disappointed! Your preaching will improve and your congregation will love you for it. Even if you’ve been at the game for thirty years, you will still benefit from a gathering such as this!
We’ve already started talking about planning another workshop next year. You may have missed this one, but I encourage you to consider this in your conference plans for next year. You won’t be sorry.