Preaching to the Heart by Tim Keller

I’ve really enjoyed teaching homiletics at Heritage Seminary this Fall. I’ve assigned three texts: Biblical Preaching
by Haddon Robinson, Preaching & Preachers
by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Preaching to the Heart, a CD series by Tim Keller. There are many great texts out there, but if the students can learn the mechanics of sermon development from Robinson, and the heart of preaching from Lloyd-Jones and Keller, then they’ve got a really solid foundation.
The Preaching to the Heart CD series by Keller is available from Gordon-Conwell. It’s incredibly valuable, and the students this Fall have already said how much they’ve enjoyed it. It’s by far the best conference audio on preaching I’ve come across. Here are some of the topics he covers:
- Preaching to the Heart without being Legalistic
- Preaching to the Heart without being Pietistic
- Unintentional Preaching Models
- Reading, Preparation, Conversation, and Preaching
- Preaching to “Emerging” Culture
- Preaching to the Heart without being Individualistic
If you’re a preacher and you haven’t heard this series yet, then it’s well worth getting. I highly recommend it.
Here’s my wish: I hope that somehow, one day, these lectures can become a book, so that they will get the exposure that they really deserve.