Preachers: Get Ready on Friday

For years now I’ve tried to discipline myself on Saturday nights so that I’m ready to preach on Sunday. This means avoiding certain activities, resting, and getting mentally prepared for the next morning. While this is important, it turns out that I may be a day late.
Darrell Johnson recently gave a series of lectures at Heritage Seminary. In one of the lectures he mentioned that the key preparation day for high-performance athletes is actually two days before the big event. While preachers aren’t high-performance athletes (or are we?) the same principle seems to apply. The amount of rest you get on a Friday night, for instance, is going to have a big impact on how alert you feel on Sunday.
If this is important enough for a race or a game, maybe it’s worth thinking about for us as well.
Enjoy tonight – but figure out a way to spend Friday nights so that you’re mentally and physically prepared for Sunday when it comes.