Thanks, Doug Koop

I can’t remember exactly when I started reading ChristianWeek. I think it was around 1989 when I was a student pastor at Runnymede Baptist Church. I do remember becoming a fan, and I’ve been reading ever since.

Almost six years ago I got a call from Doug Koop, the editor of ChristianWeek. He asked me if I’d consider writing a column for the paper. Here’s what he wrote:

What are some of the key issues challenging effective and appropriate Christian witness in Canada today and down the road a bit? How can we respond most faithfully and constructively?
Part of the mandate of ChristianWeek is to highlight current indicators of effective ministry in our changing culture. In the end, we need to communicate our solid confidence that God is more than equal to the brokenness of our society. We are a people of hope regardless of external circumstances.

I’m grateful to Doug for taking a chance on me and allowing me to write for one of my favorite publications.

When I went on sabbatical last year, Doug was quick to allow me to learn from his own sabbatical experience.

I could go on. I’m a fan of Doug and his newspaper.

Doug announced yesterday that he’s going to be leaving ChristianWeek. I want to pay tribute to a man who’s poured a good deal of his life into something worthwhile, something that’s been a huge help to me. I haven’t thanked him enough. I know I’m going to miss him.

I’m grateful for Doug and for his all of his work at ChristianWeek these past 25 years.

Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada