Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading:

13 Needs That Christianity Meets

What needs does Christianity meet? That’s the question Williams answers in chapter 2 of Existential Reasons for Belief in God; A Defense of Desires and Emotions for Faith, a book that argues for Christian faith on the basis of the number of basic human needs that it meets.

4 Inner Rings You May Be Pursuing

Lewis said as we pursue these Inner Rings we often transform into people we never intended to be. Here are the four principle Inner Rings manifested in our everyday lives.

7 Suggestions for Planting a Church or Revitalizing in a New Community

Here are 7 suggestions for moving to another community to minister.

What Small Churches Can Do

The mission Jesus gave the church is neither size-dependant nor fulfilled by one church.

How To Listen To a Sermon

So the call is to listen eagerly and expectantly to the preaching and teaching of God’s Word, looking for instruction and edification at every opportunity.  But our eagerness must be joined with careful reflection.

Shutting off the E-mail Firehose

The following eight steps will help you overcome e-mail overload.
Darryl Dash

Darryl Dash

I'm a grateful husband, father, oupa, and pastor of Grace Fellowship Church East Toronto. I love learning, writing, and encouraging. I'm on a lifelong quest to become a humble, gracious old man.
Toronto, Canada