Saturday Links
Links for your weekend reading:
Why Christians Should End Their Search for ‘Relevance’
In a culture hell-bent on undermining traditional institutions, including the church, Christian witness will look neither conservative nor liberal but resilient.
The three common leaders are: launch-the-business leader, run-the-business leader, and change-the-business leader.
5 Principles for Studying the Trinity
Here are 5 basic principles that I have reflected on in my own study of the Trinity that may be helpful for others.
4 Reasons Why Every Bible Reader Should Do Word Studies
In this post I want to make a case for learning the basics of doing word studies, whether we are pulling out the shovel of deeper Bible study or the trowel of basic Bible reading.
10 Reasons Why a Family Mealtime Is Vital
In my opinion, there are several obvious reasons why a family mealtime should be a high priority for our families.
The Scientific Argument for Mastering One Thing at a Time
The way to master more things in the long-run is to simply focus on one thing right now.