Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Leaders must serve the church, not glorify themselves.
The Senior Minister/Pastor Role in a Disciple-Making Church
The role of the Senior Minister/Pastor is the most significant role of all in creating a disciple making church.
More Than Eggheads in Ivory Towers: Three Reasons Why I Study Theology
“Why would you study theology? The disciples didn’t have a theology degree, did they? What’s the point?”
We’ve overwhelmingly used our wealth to make the world cheaper instead of more beautiful, more functional instead of more meaningful.
The Paradoxical Power of Humility: How Being Humble Is a Strength
For too long, humility has been misunderstood. Far from being a weakness, being authentically humble has been found to offer many powerful benefits
It’s my 43rd birthday and I’ve lived a little, laughed a bunch and learned some stuff along the way. Here are 43 lessons on life, money and happiness that I’ve collected along the way.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: In Praise of Small Churches
Praise God for the beauty of all kinds of churches, including the small ones.