Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Random Thoughts on 18 Months of a Church Plant
My main takeaway from this whole thing has been that small and poor doesn’t need to be a barrier to planting.
Being Domineering as a Pastor Doesn’t Require Skill
Being domineering is lazy. Indeed, it’s indicative of an unskilled pastor.
Which Sins Are Feeding Your Sin of Lust?
You can see why we must widen the battlefront in order to cure souls.
How to Battle Theological Confirmation Bias
Confirmation bias can affect every area of human thought, including our approach to the Bible.
Men and women are not the same, and if we want to acknowledge that in the home and in the church, we need to acknowledge it in all of life and in all of history.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: A Practical Theology of Beauty
When we perceive beauty, we’re seeing something that borrows its beauty from its source.