Saturday Links

I’m on a short vacation. I have a sermon coming tomorrow, but then I’ll be taking a little break.
Curated links for your weekend reading:
We usually fight on two fronts at once – not just conflict with others but also conflict with ourselves. We need God’s help to be especially aware of all that endangers us within.
Our families and churches need leaders who have learned to keep their heads when others are losing theirs.
5 Signs a Pastor Needs to Take a Sunday Off
Here are five signs you’ve moved away from rest in Jesus to fear of failure and arrogance of capacity.
Why Christians Must Do More Than Just “Be the Church”
We misunderstand the role of the gathered people of God in our lives if we think we can forego “going to church” and merely opt for “being the church.”
Reject the algorithm. Because the algorithm will make you do things that you don’t really want to do.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: I Don’t Want to Be Disqualified
According to Paul, you can be an apostle, plant churches, and suffer for Jesus and still end up disqualified.