Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
The Four Quadrants of Church Life in the Gray Zone
A pastor needs a plan- a program– for discipleship, and in our church we’ve been feeling like we needed a different approach for some time.
Lost Art of Attentive Sermon Listening
What if an undiagnosed problem in our churches is that many in the pews are poor listeners?
Stop Throwing Pastors Under the Bus
Don’t throw pastors under the bus. Get on the bus with them. Help them repair flat tires and avoid potholes.
Why Your Service Announcements Matter (at Least a Bit)
Far from burying matters, they communicate a faith, and a church, that is actively seeking to put into practice what we believe.
As horrific as my cancer is, I’m not going through hell. Thanks to Jesus, I never will.
Friend, You Can Be Ready to Die
Your death will be your final act of obedience in this world below.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Three Field Trips
Don’t skip your own church, but look for an opportunity to take field trips to three kinds of churches.