Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Brothers and Sisters, We Are All Apologists Now
Cultural and societal changes have turned apologetics into an unavoidable consequence of living publicly as a Christian.
Preach the Gospel, Die, and Be Remembered
Preach the gospel, die, and rest assured, you will be remembered. God preserves the memory of the faithful.
Good Leaders Are Easy to Follow
Dutiful, dour, and begrudging shepherding serves no one — not the sheep and not the shepherd.
My Dear Wormwood: A Screwtape Letter on the Art of Smartphone Addiction
Keep that phone in her hand and beside her bed, or all may be lost.
Never underestimate the power of ordinary disciplines to bring extraordinary change in your life.
The Most Precious And Painful Thing I Will Ever Write
Beautiful remembrance of my friend Brent Stiller
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: The Benefits of Being the Old Guy
We get to stand up and tell a new generation what we’ve seen God do in the past, and then go for it with them.