Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
The Importance of Theological Pairs
Many disagreements in theological matters come from only holding to one of two complimentary theological truths.
Do your best to be (visibly, at least) unshockable in the face of your children’s unfortunate decisions, choices you don’t like, or struggles with issues you may not fully understand. Why? To maintain the relationship.
5 Ways to Persevere Through a Hard Book
Here are five tips to help you persevere through the most demanding of books.
More Random, Granular Tips for Bloggers
A few years ago I shared some Random, Granular Tips for Bloggers that were meant to help bloggers grow in their craft. Today I am offering an additional list of tips that I hope will accomplish the same goal.
3 Truths for Pastors Carrying Heavy Burdens
We can find humility and encouragement when we reflect on what it means for Jesus to be the Good Shepherd. His presence as the perfect leader of God’s people provides three key insights for healthy thinking about leadership.
Ten Lessons Learned in Church Planting
I have reflected on lessons the Lord has taught me through the years regarding church planting. I share ten of them briefly here in the hope they might be an encouragement to others.
An Open Letter to the Prayerless Church
Wouldn’t it be just like the Spirit of Jesus to use the church’s current weakness to make it a praying power center and, thus, a beacon of hope to a dying world?
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: The Right Book at the Right Time
I still have no idea why Miller’s book helped me, but it changed my life.