Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Without a clear, discernible, and simple structure, your sermon will feel longer than it actually is….
Preaching from a Place of Fullness
I have preached from a place of emptiness and from a place of fullness, and the experience of the one makes me long for the other.
When a pastor or other church leader fails morally, church members often tend toward two types of responses.
Suppose genuine revival breaks out. What should my priorities be?
Why Read If You Forget Most Everything Anyway?
Reading enhances your filter, giving you knowledge and insight that will reverberate in your mind in ways you can’t perceive, offering a measure of wisdom and breadth you wouldn’t otherwise have.
With elements pointing to reciprocity, obedience, inequality, manumission, brokerage, and regency, John 15:13–15 describes a relationship that is not characterized by equality, but by subordination.
Our names fit right next to the list of unknown names throughout history: men and women who helped rebuild the temple, gave to the early church, discipled children in the middle ages, taught in a schoolhouse in the 1800s, or ordered Grubhub for an ailing church member last week.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Why Christians Should Take Risks
Live as if the mission’s worth it, that God is at work, that what matters most is eternally secure, and it’s worth trading our comfort for what can’t be taken away.