Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
6 Ways to Find (and Protect) the Time You Need to Read Books
You don’t need to be a professional book reviewer to read a lot of books. And you don’t need to be brilliant either. But you do need to be purposeful and consistent.
Why We Always Need More Books on Every Subject
Another Apologetics book? Yet one more Systematic Theology book? Do we need another Christian book on marriage? The answer is yes. The answer will always be yes. We will always need more books on every subject.
Why Churches Need Corporate Confession
What can churches offer to the lonely? One answer: the practice of public confession.
Building a Culture of Evangelism Takes Time, So Be Patient and Get to Work — Part of the Latest 9Marks Journal
It takes time to grow a culture of evangelism. Hopefully some of these practices will help. So get to work; patiently pray and patiently wait.
The Single Most Encouraging Thing for a Pastor
If you want to encourage your pastor, learn as much as you can from the Word, put it into practice, ask the Spirit to work in you and commit to your spiritual growth.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Stand Alone
We need godly leaders who refuse to shift their theology to keep up with the times.