Saturday Links

Curated links for your weekend reading:
Dear friends, in the dry and weary wilderness that is life in a fallen world, the Lord has hewn out for you a Sabbath oasis, where you can drink form the streams of living water flowing cool and clear; where you can rest your souls beneath the shade of his mercy; where God himself will meet you to bless you and dress your wounds with the balm of his grace. Don’t run past the oasis. Run to it. Run to it and rest.
Christian Displays of Affection
If the church is family, then everyone in the family should be greeted with tactile affection and welcome.
Take Heart! God Works Through Human Conflict.
The Lord can and does work in and through human conflict, repurposing even our flaws and failures for his greater plan.
Pastor, Don’t Waste Your Discouragement
Seasons of discouragement are inevitable for any gospel minister. It comes with the territory. But the Lord uses seasons of discouragement as seasons of growth.
One of the Most Important Ministry Skills That Nobody Talks About
Running a good meeting still matters. And more than you think.
TGC Announces New Resource Hub for Pastors
Our new TGC Pastors landing page focuses on equipping men serving in, or training for, pastoral ministry.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: The Preacher’s Two Voices
Effective preachers communicate through their words and through their hearts.