Saturday Links
Curated links for your weekend reading:
Keep Watch Over Souls: A One-Verse Charge to Pastors
As doctors deal with the health of the body, pastors deal with the health of the soul.
Dear Pastor, in a Celebrity Culture, Your Call Is Contentment
We want our work to be great so that people will see God’s greatness, not to show off our talents or to be greater than others.
How Pastors Can Encourage Others to Consider Vocational Ministry
Why are fewer people today answering the call to vocational ministry, and what can pastors do to curb this trend?
Three Types of Reading (And Suggested Books for Each)
To maintain my interest, I have found it helpful to divide books into three broad categories: slow, fast, and fun.
My column this week at The Gospel Coalition Canada: Focus on the Few Things That Matter
A focus on important things can distract us from what matters most.