Saturday Links
Curated links for your weekend reading:
God told Adam that he would “surely die” if he ate from the forbidden tree. He and Eve did not immediately return to the dust upon eating the fruit, but they did experience death in other forms.
“I hope you leave Sunday morning deeply encouraged by the gospel — and I also hope you leave kind of tired.”
A Comforting Verse for Unimpressive, Not so Great Preachers
The power is not in our showiness. The power is not in our rhetorical skill and oratory. The power is in the gospel message itself.
The Church’s Unsung Hero: The Persevering Sunday School Teacher
Look around your church and find the unsung heroes. They don’t want you to sing their praises. They’ll be perfectly content if you direct that praise to the God who called and equipped them for ministry.
Countless Christians since Muller’s day have discovered there are life lessons to be learned from God’s grace in and through this man’s faithful ministry. Here are just a few, collected from his own journal entries at the time.