Here, in order of traffic from highest to lowest, are a couple of lists of the top posts I’ve written over the past year.
Note: If you haven’t already done so,
I’m changing things up a little.
I used to blog here Tuesdays and Thursdays, and then post my Saturday Links on Saturday, and my sermon on Sunday.
I started a column today
Here are my ten most popular posts from 2017 in descending order:
Haddon Robinson (1931-2017)
I’m sad that I won’t have another chance to see Haddon for now, but I’m
Big changes are coming to this blog. I’d like to ask your help as I prepare.
Please take 5-10 minutes to answer the questions below. When you give me your feedback, I
It’s that time of year. Here are my top ten posts from 2016:
The “Move Back” Idea
Could God be calling you to be part of a “Move Back” movement to Toronto?