On Wednesday, November 24 at 12:00PM a whole bunch of Resonaters (and other assorted friends and riff raff) are getting together at Alice Fazooli’s in Oakville (2015 Winston Park Drive) for
Andrew Jones recently found out that his brother has passed away. Please keep Andrew and his family in your prayers.
Some comments on a recent post were rather disappointing. I noticed the same on another blog. Over time I’ve come to develop a thicker skin about the things that I blog about.
Tim Bednar on blogging as a tool for spiritual formation:
We are a generation of Internet users (not distinguished by age) who view themselves as participants, not consumers. It’s important for pastors
I’m trying to install a couple of Perl modules on my server. I’m part way there, but I need some help. If you can help me, please e-mail me at darryl.