I lay awake at night, my mind buzzing. So many things to do, so many loose ends. I debated about getting up, and then reminded myself: this isn’t the time. Now is
I’m always looking for good resources to help me grow, and that I can use to help others. I especially appreciate when the resources come from a reliable source, someone who has
It’s fine to talk about habits of discipleship. But how do we integrate these habits in a life that’s already overflowing?
Justin Whitmel Earley faced this question. He reached a crisis
In his memoir Preacher, Eugene Peterson recounts a conversation with his son.
“Dad, novelists only write one book. They find their voice, their book, and write it over and over. William Faulkner wrote
Eight days ago my sister-in-law’s house was hit by lightning. A fire started in the attic and threatened to burn the entire house down.
The week before that a friend died suddenly