The Main Thing (John 13:1-17, 33-35) Aug 25, 2002 13 min read John Jesus teaches that loving others selflessly is the only gauge that truly matters.
Why I Came to Jesus: Healing (John 9:1-41) Aug 26, 2001 4 min read John God heals physically and spiritually for his purpose, showing care through miracles.
Worship With Genuine Enthusiasm (John 4:1-42) Feb 24, 2001 16 min read John Jesus takes the initiative to meet people where they are, transforming their lives through genuine relationship with him.
God’s Answer to My Doubts (John 20:24-31) Apr 23, 2000 15 min read John Doubt is a normal aspect of faith; instead of letting it paralyze us, we should acknowledge it and proceed with even a little belief, leading to a transformative encounter with God.
What Difference Does Christmas Make? (John 1:1-13) Dec 18, 1999 13 min read John Jesus Christ is God's ultimate message and light to humanity, providing divine understanding and eternal life through his birth at Christmas.