
Happy Canada Day

From Internationally, Canada’s level of contentment is almost off the charts, as measured over the past two decades in the World Values Survey. In 2000, the Canadian edition of the

Show me to my desk

I blame my brother Kevin for this. Last year we were talking about needing to re-shingle our roofs. Kevin is a firefighter but also does roofs on the side. He said, “Why don’

For the record, this wasn’t me

I’m not 23. And I don’t know what a city man is so I may not be that either. From the police blotter in Jersey: SUMMERFIELD AVENUE: City man Darryl Dash,

Serena! (again)

A few months back I heard Serena Ryder interviewed on an AM radio station. She sang only one song, but it was enough for me to check her out on iTunes and then

Who says bibs are uncool?

Just got this off the camera from a couple of weeks ago. The evening of graduation, we headed down to Long Wharf in Boston for dinner at Legal Sea Foods. I have my