
Dr. Eugene Rivers in Rexdale

Dr. Eugene Rivers, one of the architects of the Boston Miracle that saw shooting deaths plummet in the 1990s after pastors and police mentored and counseled youth, is coming to Toronto next week.

Hope-brokers in the face of violence

A column on the gun violence in Toronto, with some great insights by Colin McCartney, executive director of Urban Promise Toronto: McCartney’s solutions knock conventional wisdom. A strong law and order approach

Dog update (if anyone cares)

* Buddy is still here. So far no luck in finding someone who wants a troubled dog. * I’ve learned that Charlene is forgiving and prone to forget offenses after a few days. I’

The dog experiment that failed

It’s been four months since we brought a black lab-hound home from the pound. We’ve survived the destruction of his crate and the neighboring carpet and computer, a trip to the