The Path to Greatness (Philippians 2:1-11) Sep 29, 2002 4 min read Philippians Breaking free from selfishness requires putting others first, just as Christ demonstrated through his ultimate example of humble service.
Developing a Purpose (Philippians 1:12-30) Sep 22, 2002 6 min read Philippians Find joy in life by focusing on a purpose greater than circumstances.
Deep Impact (Philippians 1:1-11) Sep 15, 2002 5 min read Philippians True joy can be found through building deep relationships with others, even during life's most difficult circumstances.
The Ultimate Lifestyle: Living Joyfully (Philippians 1:12-26) May 25, 2000 11 min read Philippians True joy comes from having the right perspective, priorities, power, and purpose in life, with a focus on Christ, instead of chasing temporary things like possessions, pleasure, or prestige.