
The Temptations Pastors Face

Reading Sensing Jesus by Zack Eswine has been good for my soul. Eswine understands the temptations that pastors face, and I find that I have to read his book occasionally to help my

Introverted and Extraverted Evangelism

An extravert I know does an amazing job of meeting people and inviting them to church. His approach has a lot going for it. Meet enough people, and you will find lots of

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading: Do You Have Room For the Tough Questions? If you are not having [or making room for these types of conversations with your people you are, in my

Don’t Close the Book

I once stopped reading Larry Crabb’s book The Safest Place on Earth because I didn’t believe it could happen. Crabb argues that, in church, we should be able to find spiritual

Churches as Organized Complexity

In his book Walking Home: The Life and Lessons of a City Builder, Ken Greenberg reflects on what he learned about cities from Jane Jacobs. Jacobs taught that there are three kinds of