

We gather on Sundays. Someone stands at the front and welcomes us. The music team takes its place and leads us in singing. We then come to the offering before the pastor gets

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading: Five Ways to Deepen Your Preaching Here are 5 lessons I’m learning along the way. If you are a fellow preacher, trying to climb this vast and

Measuring Effective Ministry

There are a lot of ways to measure effectiveness in ministry. I’ve been thinking about what Jeff Christopherson and Mac Lake describe as measures of success in their book Kingdom First: Starting

A New Morning Pattern

It’s the morning. My habit has been to make a beeline for the computer. First, I check emails. Then, I read blogs. Then I read my Twitter feed. Then, if I have

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading: 3 Things to Remember Before You Criticize Someone’s Theology Good criticism is hard work, and it’s necessary work until Christ returns. The above three points won’