
Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading: The Gospel Coalition Ontario Conference Registration is now open. 3 Ways Leaders Can Maintain an Exercise Routine (and Why They Should) Here are three ways to embed exercise

God Owes Me Nothing

Here’s what I often forget: God owes me nothing. I could be the best disciple or pastor, and God still owes me nothing. In fact, the opposite is true: I owe God

Christianity in Canada

If you want a picture of the state of Christianity in Canada, consider the following: * Weekly religious service attendance in Canada is in a free fall from 67% in 1946 to 11% in

Saturday Links

Links for your weekend reading: Building a Church Planting Culture in Your Church When a culture of planting emerges, your biggest challenge will become where to plant next. 8 Lies Christians Believe about

Sin in the Present Tense

When we talk about God’s grace, we often talk about grace for past sin. But what about sin in the present tense? Is there grace for that as well? It’s an