Although all the chapters in Rico Tice’s new book Honest Evangelism are good, one chapter in particular stood out to me. It’s chapter 7, called “Getting started (or re-started).” It outlines
“I find evangelism hard,” says Rico Tice in his new book Honest Evangelism: How to Talk about Jesus Even When It’s Tough. That just may be the best opening line in a
Links for your weekend reading:
He Descended into Hell?
What happened after Jesus died? We know that his body was laid in Joseph’s tomb, but what about his human soul?
Peddlers vs.
I find that I can fathom a lot of things about Jesus. When I think about it, I have a really hard time fathoming that Jesus did anything like washing feet.
“How aptly
Mike Wittmer has a specialty. He takes theological confusion, clarifies the issues, and then shows how this theological clarity matters to our lives. He’s done this with a number of topics, most