
More Than a Lack of Clarity

It’s tempting for preachers (and parents) to think that knowledge is the solution to the problem of disobedience. Is a husband unfaithful to his wife? He needs a good whack of truth

Seven Reasons to Preach God-Centered Messages

Preachers everywhere face the pressure to preach messages that put humanity at the center. Someone has estimated that over 80% of sermons are human-centered. David Wells writes: It seems that God has become

Preaching on Sunday? Read This.

Pastors can always use encouragement. If you’re a pastor (or even if you’re not), here are some truths that you might find encouraging today. * God promises to use his Word (Isaiah

Wrestling the Text

I don’t know how many times it’s happened. I pick a text as the basis for a sermon. I think I know what the text is going to say, but as