
Preaching in the Power of the Spirit

A fascinating incident reported by Edmund Clowney in his book Preaching Christ in All of Scripture : On one occasion I had tea with Martyn Lloyd-Jones in Ealing, London, and decided to ask him

Chris Brauns Defines Preaching

The title of this post could be confusing. When I say that my Chris Brauns defines preaching, I don’t mean it in the same way that Wayne Gretzky defines hockey, or that

What I’ve Learned Teaching Preaching

I’ve really enjoyed teaching preaching at Heritage Seminary this Fall. It’s a new thing for me, and I didn’t know how much I would enjoy it. Not only has it

No Great Preachers; Only a Great Christ

I absolutely love the conclusion to Haddon Robinson’s book Biblical Preaching . Of course, we will not give God that which costs us nothing. We will give Him our best. Yet, in the