I read Haddon Robinson’s Biblical Preaching in seminary some twenty years ago, and promptly forgot about it for a decade. It’s okay to forget some books, but I forgot that one
It all started with a tweet:
I know what this tweet is getting at, and there’s an element of truth here. But I disagree with the premise of the tweet: that our
For years now I’ve tried to discipline myself on Saturday nights so that I’m ready to preach on Sunday. This means avoiding certain activities, resting, and getting mentally prepared for the
The Doctor (D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones) in Preaching & Preachers
What is the chief end of preaching? I like to think it is this. It is to give men and women a sense of
I’ve really enjoyed teaching homiletics at Heritage Seminary this Fall. I’ve assigned three texts: Biblical Preaching
by Haddon Robinson, Preaching & Preachers
by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, and Preaching to the Heart,