
Preacher: Do You Feel Inadequate?

Good news for those of us who are preachers and who feel inadequate. You’re in good company. In fact, if you don’t feel this way, you probably shouldn’t be preaching.

The Most Diligent Preacher

In January 1548, Hugh Latimer confronted preachers who were more engaged in business and pleasure than on preaching. He preached a famous sermon at St. Paul’s Cathedral in which he named the

That One Thing

As quoted by Mike Bullmore at The Gospel Coalition Canada Conference yesterday: When a man, by constant contemplation of the Passion and Resurrection of our Lord, finds himself so inflamed with the love

Why Preaching is Important

In A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections, Jonathan Edwards argues that “Gracious affections arise from the mind being enlightened rightly and spiritually to apprehend divine things.” This is one reason that preaching is so