
Expect Him

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones has a good word for preachers. The last paragraph is especially worth reading a few times. Our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and

Christ is the Minister’s Great Theme

Great words from C.H. Spurgeon: Christ is THE MINISTER’S GREAT THEME, in opposition to a thousand other things which most men choose. I would prefer that the most prominent feature in

Care About Substance

If you don’t listen to This American Life, you’re missing out. Seriously. You can subscribe to the podcast for free on iTunes. Even if you don’t listen to it, this

Preach the Gospel

I’ve been soaking up Charles Simeon lately. Here’s some encouragement for you from Simeon if you’re preaching today. His thoughts are based on 1 Corinthians 9:16: “Woe to me

Preach to Glorify God

Spurgeon has a chapter in his book An All-Round Ministry called “The Evils of the Present Age.” I find it refreshing to read, because I realize that many of the challenges we face