
Preaching with Power

Jack Miller in The Heart of a Servant Leader on preaching with power: It seems to me that the fundamental issue in preaching with power and authority finally gets down to the power

Random Tweets from the Panel Discussion

In 140 characters or less, here’s some of what people twittered from the panel discussion last night. John Piper “If it bores you it is going to bore your people. If this

What’s a Good Sermon?

In his book Why Johnny Can’t Preach, T. David Gordon taps an old book (Sacred Rhetoric by Robert Lewis Dabney, circa 1870) for “The Seven Cardinal Requisites of Preaching.” I think it’

The Unfolding Mystery

I’ve really enjoyed the sermon series we’ve been doing at Richview in preparation for Easter. It’s called The Unfolding Mystery. It’s based on Luke 24:27 – “And beginning with

“My challenge is this…”

I was struck by this thought in Why Johnny Can’t Preach . Gordon is responding to those who have dismissed preaching: I believe the preaching in many churches is so poorly done that