Last week, Richview had the privilege of hosting a Simeon Trust preaching workshop. Some 35 pastors gathered from Wednesday to Friday for “spring training,” as David Helm put it. Spring training is where
Cotton Mather said:
The great design and intention of the office of a Christian preacher is to restore the throne and dominion of God in the souls of men.
We don’t really
The Doctor as quoted in Lloyd-Jones: Messenger of Grace:
The recovery of great preaching involves the renewal of faith. The origin of preaching is in the heart, not in the head, nor in
I admit to being a skeptic about conferences. I’ve been to quite a few of them. They always promise a lot, but they don’t always deliver.
That’s why I’m
Found this story recently. It’s a sobering warning:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer studied for a year in New York City. He visited a number of churches there, and this is what he concluded: “One