
Preaching out of season

When I told my friend that I was going to take a D.Min. in preaching, he responded via chat with a symbol I’ve never forgotten. “Isn’t preaching sort of ?” He

Workshop on Biblical Exposition

Last year I attended a Workshop on Biblical Exposition put on by Simeon Trust. I compared it to the first week of my D.Min. in preaching and said: I had a similar

A cup running over

I’ve posted this before, but it’s probably worth reading every few months. It’s written by Dallas Willard in The Art and Craft of Biblical Preaching. There is no substitute for

I don’t want a “great sermon”

Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones rarely took time off to hear others preach. In 1968 he took ill, and for six months he did not preach at all. This gave Lloyd-Jones an opportunity to sit

Out of Step

Martyn Lloyd-Jones was seriously out of step with preachers in his day who focused on delivering messages focused on the well-being and happiness of the hearers. Lloyd-Jones took the opposite approach, saying: The