One of the best experiences of my D.Min. was the first residency. The first week was completely disorienting as we studied passages and realized how much we didn’t know. Once we
I occasionally hear that there’s not a lot of good preaching out there. On one hand, I agree. There are only so many brilliant speakers – you fill in the name of yours.
Scott Williams has an interesting post on preaching:
roll the tape forward to 2008. my eldest son is in preaching class at the local bible college and is getting killed because he does
My friend Bryan Galloway has started a blog on preaching and Dietrich Bonhoeffer:
I stated a couple of days ago that this blog was created to introduce six areas of impact that Lutheran
Learn about the sordid tale that began with pastors stealing Tim Keller’s material and has led to the end of Southern Baptist church planting and the Christian blogosphere:
After an intensive three