
Redeemer sermons

Lately at the gym I’ve been listening to Dallas Willard’s Renovation of the Heart (running time: 12 hours!) on my iPod. Once a week I download Tim Keller’s sermons and

Preachers at peace

I attended a preaching consultation last week, and one of the questions was what preachers should be trained to be and do. One person came up with an answer that surprised me. He

James Grier on preaching in a postmodern culture

Spent the day at Heritage Seminary yesterday listening to James Grier talk about “Preaching in a Postmodern Culture”. This is a subject that could go horribly wrong if it fell into the wrong

Yesterday’s seminar

I listened to a podcast this week that said when you do version 1.0 of something, your goal should be just to survive. “Just get through it the first time. You can

Theocentric Preaching Seminar Notes

Just got out from the Theocentric Preaching Seminar. Eighteen people attended, which was the perfect size to engage and discuss the issues. I’ll post some reflections tomorrow. If you’re interested in