
The danger of relevance

Lesslie Newbigin on what can go wrong when we try to be relevant: In discussions about the contemporary mission of the Church it is often said that the Church ought to address itself

So N.T. Wright disagrees with me

Not long after my last post, I started listening to the recording of a session that N.T. Wright did on preaching in Toronto last month. Someone asked him what he thought about

Theocentric premise three: The text has a point

Warning: if you accept this premise, it will destroy a lot of sermons you may have preached. Every preacher I know wants to preach sermons that connect with the needs of real people.

Theocentric premise two: The Bible has a story line

[The Bible] is not a religious book of advice about the “answers” we need about a happy marriage, sex, work, or losing weight. Although the Scriptures reflect on many of those issues, they

When confessional preaching goes too far

A satirical article from NAPERVILLE, Ill. — Brentwood Community Church’s congregation has asked its pastor to stop using the pulpit as his public confessional and to set boundaries on what he’