Lesslie Newbigin on what can go wrong when we try to be relevant:
In discussions about the contemporary mission of the Church it is often said that the Church ought to address itself
Not long after my last post, I started listening to the recording of a session that N.T. Wright did on preaching in Toronto last month. Someone asked him what he thought about
Warning: if you accept this premise, it will destroy a lot of sermons you may have preached.
Every preacher I know wants to preach sermons that connect with the needs of real people.
[The Bible] is not a religious book of advice about the “answers” we need about a happy marriage, sex, work, or losing weight. Although the Scriptures reflect on many of those issues, they
A satirical article from LarkNews.com:
NAPERVILLE, Ill. — Brentwood Community Church’s congregation has asked its pastor to stop using the pulpit as his public confessional and to set boundaries on what he’