Gilead is a novel about Reverend John Ames, second generation pastor, who writes to his son near the end of his life in 1956.
Ames keeps his in a box in the attic.
From Obscure Store and Reading Room:
A police officer told him: “I request that you cease and desist with your services. If you refuse to stop, we will have to take you into
It may be caused by a troubling medical condition called homilophobia or fear of sermons:
Known by a number of names – Homilophobia and Fear of Sermons being the most common – the problem often
Get your three-minute sermon ready:
This 10 part, 1 hour weekly television series is setting out to find America’s next great inspirational speaker. Do you have a unique and positive message you
I think I mentioned that I’ve been reading David Fitch’s The Great Giveaway. I took the book to the gym today to read on the bike, and today’s chapter was